Thank you, William.

I confess I try to avoid emotional issues as much as I can otherwise I'd dissolve into a puddle. Well done you for plunging into the maelstrom and emerging human.

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Thank you Zarayna, it was a long time coming. Eventually doinmg it in chunks seemed to be the only way I could tackle it, plus Substack is kinda conducive to this approach and Wordpress just isn't, don't ask me why.

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It's a lovely tribute to your family. None of us are perfect! We're all stumbling into the unknown doing the best we can. Your bro appears to be struggling - hope his wounds heal soon.

Stay strong! xxx

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Do you intend to make me commitment’s host,

make me laugh and cry,

make me walk and talk with ghosts,

love me and leave me to die?

Or is it…

A succumbing to the slavering of your tongue,

to have your thighs writhe in panting time

and your nails to claw for blood,

have your waterhole filled only to drown me deep in it?

“Love” you reply

Did your mother forget to teach you

that love is a myth

and the reality of myth is pain?

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Whose words are these Mike?

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From my old scribbles. Actually a destructive love poem but I felt the first half empathetic to your story.

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A very painful 'scribble', it must have been some love affair.

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I dealt with my mother issues but struggled with love for a long time. Creative writing was part of that process, but political activism was the cure. It helped to compare my micro problems to mass world corruption. Difficult to be a romantic when trying to survive politicians. I've been single for 15 years, and haven't felt lonely for over 10. I'm no longer a product of my upbringing. I'm just me.

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No more will you tempt me

with the sodden-leaf smell of experience

or velvet lies of devotion

If God be breasted, I’d understand why I don’t understand

I suck in your love to spit it out,

outstretch my arms to embrace

the only lover I know,


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Note that the link to part 3 is broken. Missing the "h" in the 'https".

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May 24·edited May 24Author

In part 4, at the start, you link to part 3. That link in part 4 isn't working because it's missing the "h" at the beginning of the url.

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